
English Test

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1 / 19

If I ā€¦ to the concert, I would have been happier.

2 / 19

I donā€™t get on well with my husband. We always ā€¦

3 / 19

At this time next year I ā€¦. working.

4 / 19

She has ... left, Iā€™m sorry.

5 / 19

They ā€¦ from the USA.

6 / 19

I usually have breakfast ā€¦ the morning.

7 / 19

He ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. football on TV.

8 / 19

Do you like ā€¦ the guitar?

9 / 19

... you go to school yesterday?

10 / 19

If I .. the exam, I'll go to Australia for one year.

11 / 19

Look at the sky! It ā€¦ going to rain.

12 / 19

Iā€™m looking forward to ā€¦ from you.

13 / 19

My new colleague always ā€¦ mistakes.

14 / 19

ā€¦. you ever been abroad?

15 / 19

Do you know ā€¦ the bar is?

16 / 19

Inserisci il tuo nome

17 / 19

Inserisci il tuo indirizzo email

18 / 19

Inserisci il tuo numero di telefono

19 / 19

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